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Lightning Bar

The Lightning Bar is our newest addition on the west side of the property that opened summer of 2021. Just after its founding in 1939, the South Haven Yacht Club chose as its official craft a new sensation on the water. It was a sailboat called the Lightning.

The Lightning was sporty, fast and ultra-modern. The 19-foot boat, which uses a centerboard, was originally built with wood. It became a very popular racing boat as it was zippy, affordable and just plain-fun. In electrifying races off South Haven in the 1940’s, the Lightning literally put our yacht club nationally on the map.

If you look at our club burgee-our triangular flag-a lightning bolt zaps right through its center to commemorate the signature Lightning sailboat.

Choosing the Lightning over 80 years ago, our club founders wanted to align the SHYC with the hippest and newest thing on the water. Today, naturally, so do we.

Two opportunities were offered to members to put their signatures on the new Lightning Bar and to help fund the construction. Members were able to purchase their own six-foot personalized wooden oar that is prominently displayed on the walls or their own Yeti personalized tumbler that is also displayed on a special shelving wall.

30 oars are currently displayed along with over 100 mugs.

The Lightning Bar is open during the warmer months typically May-September, weather permitting.
